Choose Your Friends Wisely

I don’t think we appreciated it at the moment, but the first meeting of Finn changed our lives. We did not go scoop him up out of a box or point to the doggie in the window and say “we want this one”. In fact, it was just the opposite. Finn picked us.

The morning after a rough bout with food poisoning, we tentatively got on a plane, rented a car, and drove to a stranger’s house to see a litter of puppies. In hindsight, I think we were also be interviewed to see if we would be worthy owners.

Rundown from illness, lack of sleep, and the hassles of travel, I sat in the floor of this unfamiliar living room. We certainly weren’t looking our fabulous selves, but did our best to muster and exude enthusiasm. We were a couple among several others, all hoping to be new owners of the relatively few bull terrier puppies available from a reputable breeder.

One by one, darling little puppies appeared. Some still wobbly. Others emboldened with their new found mobility, and the excitement of new people and smells. One of those fuzzy bundles of joy made his way to me. Crawled right into my lap. Curled up, and promptly fell asleep. I think this is as close as I will ever get to experiencing the connection a mother has with holding her newborn for the first time. We were smitten. I also think his attraction to, and comfort with, us tipped the scales in our favor of being offered the opportunity to be his new family.

Certainly his little puppy brain could not have understood the implications of this simple act of finding a comfortable place to sleep. He chose to be friends with me, and it had a deep and lasting impact on nearly every facet of our lives. It would only be a few weeks later that we would meet again at the airport. Me with a small pet carrier in hand and an excitement I had not felt for years. Him a tiny fuzzy being that could comfortably be stowed under the seat in front of me for a short plane ride. Now destined for what would be his new home. It was mutual attraction — a good illustration of how important it is to pick your friends wisely.

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