I Prefer Living In Color

I don’t think I’m too far away from being able to send off the engine tin for powder coating. While powder coat is not historically accurate, it should be much more durable in the engine compartment than regular paint. I think if I get a close color match to original, it ultimately won’t detract from anything.

I thought I’d be clever and go to Porsche Cars North America. They referred me to the dealers. While visiting LA I went to South Bay Porsche, but they were no help. I figured if they didn’t know, they could get an answer from Germany, but told me to ask some third-party restoration house. Really?! If Porsche doesn’t know, who the hell does?

I then emailed every Porsche Classic dealer in the US. I got replies from a couple who suggested I contact PCNA. Been there, done that. Ultimately only one dealer put in any effort to help. Thanks Porsche Monterey! The reply: Black silky gloss (aka semi-gloss) and silver metallic. Not a lot to go on.

So back to the community. Like a lot of 356 topics, correct paint color is widely debated. There are a bunch of opinions and it’s hard to tell who’s right. It is not even universally agreed upon whether the fan shroud was silver, gray, or white. It does seem like satin or semi-gloss finish is a safe bet.

Best leads I had were mostly based off coating from supplier Tiger Drylac:
Silver / Gray
* 38/70035 (RAL 7035)
* 39/70100 (ASA-70)
* Silver 38/91020
* Anodized Silver 39/90000
* Standard Silver 49/90380
* Marin Silver One Coat 38/90010

* PacCar Black Semigloss 49/80033
* Black Semigloss 39/80040

I contacted Custom Coatings of Ukiah, as recommended by my machinist. Their suggestion was to consider coatings supplied by Prismatic Powders. They have have many more colors to choose from than Tiger, and have lower minimum order quantity.

Another bonus of Prismatic is they will send you a free sample of coating on a metal strip, if you pay the shipping. This is a huge win, as it is very difficult to accurately judge color online. The likelihood of getting a combination of camera, image post-processing, and accurately calibrated monitor that show you true color on your computer is slim.

I’ve also purchased spray cans from various suppliers for the items I’m not planning to powder coat. These include the oil filler and oil filter canister. Results of my matching efforts to follow in another post.

1 thought on “I Prefer Living In Color”

  1. Pingback: Engine Tin Paint Match - Dennis Vogel

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