Distributor Testing

After my home workbench rebuild of the distributor, I decided to send it off for testing. Yes. I am trading money for some piece of mind. Largely because I remember what it was like to own an unreliable car and not know if you will make it to your destination. Or worse yet, be sitting by the side of the road waiting for help.

On the recommendation from a friend, I sent it to Ed Fall at Vintage Werks in Otis Orchards, WA. Cost was $75 and I got back a a curve with a note indicating that “it does largely fall within the advance specifications”. Ed explains further:

the advance progression lies within the upper and lower factory limits except for brief point in the mid-range. Unlike the Bosch distributors, Marelli distributors such as yours have no means of adjusting the advance progression except by changing out the weight springs. Otherwise I might have tried to dial it in a little better. However as it stands the distributor will work just fine as is. 

Ed Fall, Vintage Werks
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