Start Me Up

Everything is assembled. Engine is mounted to a Zalex Industries running stand. New battery sourced. I’m finally at the point of trying to fire this engine up.

With a heavy blanket and fire extinguisher nearby, I tripled checked the wiring and attempted the initial fire up today. It was both exciting and extremely nerve racking. Queue The Alan Parsons Project – Sirius (aka Chicago Bulls Theme Song).

The starter engaged the flywheel. Things turned. Whirring noises were made. The good news is nothing caught on fire. No sounds of grinding metal. No parts shot out of the case.

A few small drips of oil escaped around the nuts securing the oil sump plate to the bottom of the engine. A couple fuel leaks that were easily solved by tightening the fittings.

The starter gear engages the flywheel, but does not want to return to origin position once I release the START button. I can release it with a screwdriver. After many attempts the starter gets hot to the touch and started to smoke a bit.

The engine genuinely sounded like it wanted to fire up, but never quite got there. I suspect the battery and / or starter. I have a second starter that will get a try. I will also purchase a battery charger / tender to remove the prospect of a not quite their battery. Even though the voltage reading as received from he store was 6.27 volt.

Keep the faith.

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